So we had to take a before tummy shot. Before all the turkey and stuffing of course! But then Jocelyn was WAY over it to take an after tummy shot. Oh well-maybe next year!
We had such a great time at my sisters for Thanksgiving this year. Jocelyn got to participate in a tradition that my family has done for years! We have a family recipe that we have used to make homemade cookies with! My sister loved doing this when we were little. I remember this so well! My mom has continued the tradition every Christmas season even as we grew up! Our cookies always tasted the best!
So today during our Thanksgiving celebration, we rolled out the cookie dough and let the girls go crazy! It's amazing how Jocelyn knew to eat the dough right away! We then baked them up fast and had the Emma and Jocelyn decorate them with icing and sprinkles! I think the icing was a big hit! I'm so glad Jocelyn has gotten to do this tradition already! I hope to repeat it every year with her and her cousin Emma and Auntie Kelly!

The girls LOVED play "I'm gonna get you!" in the hallway!!!

Kelly and Jack together!

Emma showing Jocelyn how to stand on the balcony! Yikes!!!

Emma showing Jocelyn that stickers aren't as scary as she thinks! No idea why, but Jocelyn is scared to have stickers on her hand-she shakes and cries when we put them on her. So we put them on papers instead! She likes that much better!

Jocelyn thinks Jack is hysterical! She loved showing him new toys!

The girls on their daddy's shoulders!!! So fun!

The Gordon family picture!

The Davis Family picture! Super hard to get this time!

Upside down Emma!!

Sweet Baby Jack getting kisses from Grandma E!

Let the cookie cutting begin!

Nom, Nom, Nom!

"Grandma has some too!"

So fun and so messy!

3 generations of girls!


Time for the icing!

MESSY FACE and hyper girls! What a blast! Loved playing all day even on only a 30 minute nap! Which is why Jocelyn was in bed by 6pm! She was exhausted! What a great 2010 Thanksgiving!!! So much to be thankful for!