Monday, August 5, 2013

Casen Says

Casen's 22 months now! He's been talking a ton now! He repeats the last word of many of our sentences to him now. His Favorite thing is when we ask him a question he says, "Ya-ah" in his raspy toddler voice! Cracks us up! Here is what he says the most: "I did it" (after he does anything he is super proud of) "Gotcha" (after running full speed into our legs) "Seeyoulater" or "later" (when pretending to leave) "Noooooo" (in a long drawn out way) He's also started to slow down on the eating. Anther almost 2 year old normal thing. He use to eat everything and now he runs from the dinner table when it's ready! But at least Jocelyn eats more now! We have tons of photos to update but with all that is going on we will get to it a little later!

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