Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Casen's New Room Decor - Army

 Casen has always said he wanted to be a police office. When we were at Costco a few weeks ago he saw some Marine's from the Los Al base getting into their car next to us. He freaked out and said, "HI ARMY MEN!! HELLO!! HELLO!" Of course they were nice and polite. Steve and I said, "or Marine's!" HAHA! But for all he knew they were ARMY MEN! After that he started talking about the Army a lot more. Then he started to say he wanted to be "an Army man first" before he was a police officer.

So when we saw he was growing out of his toddler race car bed, we started talking about comforters and new room decor. He immediately said it had to be Army! Say what? Kind of threw us off. I was thinking he meant camo print. So we started to search for stuff on Amazon. He was way more particular than I thought he would be. The first camo comforter I saw I pointed out and he said, "um no not that one!" So we kept looking through photos. Then he saw this one in the photo above. He said, "THIS ONE! That's the one I want!" Whoa....he REALLY wanted it to say Army I guess. I stopped short at the curtains, trash can, laundry basket and lamp he also wanted that said Army! I need to do this slowly! But we did get him some wall decals he wanted with Army Fighter jets, Helicopters, parachute men and American Flags! Sigh.....sometimes being a parent is letting go of your own taste and letting your kids be themselves!

 I even let him place the decals where he wanted to! Ha!

 He was so proud!

Now to put this Bunk Bed together! It will be on Dad's honey-do list next week for Spring Break!

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