Tuesday, May 27, 2008

More DIY projects...

3 blogs in one day! Woohoo!
So here are my latest DIY projects for the wedding. I went to the Joann's in Cypress to check it out. Um I must say it's by far the best one I've ever entered! It's basically like a Michael's with fabric! It was fantastic and I compeletely got lost in there. I found these 7" letters that I decided to make a new project out of. I'm going to cover them with flower petals and then add a ribbon at top and hang them from somewhere at the ceremony or reception or maybe both..who knows!
Close up of the "S"....
Here is the ringbearer pillow! Too many feathers for 3 year old to carry? I think I got a little carried away! But our theme is flowers and feathers so I had to add them somewhere right!?

Side view so you can see the ribbon on the side!
I made some other stuff too but haven't taken a pix of it. I made Maddy a hair bow and got really carried away! I ended up making 7 hair bows for 2 friends that are having baby girls soon! I think I found a new addiction! :-) I'll blog about those later!

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