Monday, April 4, 2011

1 1/2 year old!

Probably the most exciting half birthday Jocelyn will ever have! We can now say we have a 1 and 1/2 year old! Wow! So to celebrate we took Jocelyn to breakfast and then off to Downtown Disney we went. Jocelyn is very interested in using a fork like a big girl! She has only recently actually gotten food on that fork and to her mouth. She is really getting much better at it! We encourage her to use it so she will learn this great motor skill. In between we still feed her bites to make sure she is actually eating too! So had such a great time as you can tell in these picture's!
So we decided to do Downtown Disney before we take Jocelyn to Disneyland. A small introduction to the Disney world. She is at the fun age that she doesn't know all these things can be bought and brought home. Of course she wanted to hold a lot of stuff and walk around with it. But it is so easy to just distract her and move on to the next thing. Can you believe we got out of here without buying one toy!?
She first found some chocolate coins with characters faces on them. She just had to hold them!
Then she found some socks which she promptly wanted to put on! But then was distracted by all the cute clothes! She even had a cell phone Mickey cover in her hand for awhile. She would hold it up to her ear and pretend it was a phone!
She was not a fan of the hat yet though! We will get one of these when we actually go to Disneyland though! That is for sure!

What was her favorite place? Which place did she cry when we left? The car building place! Can you believe it? It's right next to the Build a Bear and called Crew or something like that. It's the same concept as build a bear but with remote control cars! She loved it!

So her first introduction to a Disney day went well. She was exhausted and passed out on our car ride home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the car store pix...she is kinda like her mama that way maybe...I just love that kid!!!...AC