Friday, August 6, 2010

Sweat Test

The doctor wanted to do a more accurate test to make sure Jocelyn didn't have cystic fibrosis. They did it because she hasn't been gaining weight as fast as they would like and that is one of the symptoms of CF.

Our doctor called us yesterday morning to tell us the test was negative. We were 100% sure it would but it was still nice to hear that!

We had to do the test at the hospital. We basically had to check in to the hosptital too! Lots of paperwork.

So, they basically needed to measure Jocelyn's sweat. Sounds pretty easy right!? If you are an adult! Not so much with a squirming, already cautious of people besides mom and dad, 10 month old!

Here they put sensors on her to "make her sweat"....they had to tape them on so she wouldn't try and take them off. The alarm only went off once because she moved too much!

I brought a blanket and a jacket but the nurse said it didn't matter how hot she was. It only matter if she was hydrated!

Waiting to see if we got enough sweat. This test takes 45 minutes at least. Oh and the nurse says, "Sometimes this doesn't always work with kids!" Awesome! But thankfully we did get enough to test for Jocelyn the first time.

The blue stuff is her sweat. They color it so they can see if the device actually collected anything!

Then they uncoil it and put the blue sweat into a tube for the lab. We got barely a drop but they said it was enough! Woohoo!
Jocelyn only fussed a bit and never really cried. She was pretty good considering all the poking!

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