Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas #1

Our first Christmas was on the 23rd spent at Steve's mom and dad's new house. They just moved this summer so it was our first time all gathering here! It was nice, warm and cozy! We had dinner and then let the wrapping paper start flying!

Nicolas is really into Christmas this year so it was fun to watch him open his gifts! He even helped Jocelyn towards the end of hers since she was pretty tired by then!

Jocelyn got so pretty cool stuff including the baby doll carriage above. Although she thinks all these new accessories are for her. She wants me to put her in them!
She also got another baby doll that she held tight all night. It had a pacifier just like her! She tried several times to use the babies pacifier instead of hers!

Nicolas continued his Great-Grandmother's tradition of having bows on her head. Except he put them on other people's heads!

Nicolas also got lots of good shots too!
Oh no, she's fading fast!
One last shot of the kids in their Christmas PJ's!
Jocelyn slept until 7am the next morning! She normally wakes at 5:30! I got to sleep in! What a treat!

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