Sunday, May 29, 2011

Weekend Fun!

Our 3 day weekend filled up pretty fast! Friday night we let Jocelyn play "side" (outside) as she loves to do. She has preferred the front yard lately but goes back and forth!
Very serious about feeding her baby!
Notice her painted toe nails!? I painted them last week for the first time ever! Rather emotional for a mommy I have to say!
Then Saturday we went to a friends Graduation party! I did her invites which I will post on my design blog soon! She went back to school to get her Masters in Speech Pathology!
They have two kids so there was lots of toys to play with!
We also have taken lots of naps this weekend. Jocelyn still takes two naps a day if we let her. But lately she has wanted to sleep next to me. So I'm not going to turn down snuggle time or a nap! No complaining here!
Then it was off to Ryder's birthday party! It was a motorcycle party! Ryder and Jocelyn gave each other a high five!
Callie was there as well and loves to play with Jocelyn!
Ryder almost forgot that the course was in a circle and he kept going straight. But he won the race!

Jocelyn staying safely on the side lines!

Checking out the cones!
Then back at home to do some more playing outside! All babies in the pool...including strollers!

"OHHH..." don't forget your sunblock!

Time for bath and bedtime!
We have a few plans for tomorrow but who knows what the day will bring! More food, friends and fun though that is for sure!
Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone!

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