Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Honeymoon - Day 4 Za Zu was actually Za ZOO!

So we mostly ate at places recomended by the locals right!? We were told about "ZaZu" and we "GPS'd" is and off we went. It took us here....read the sign, it says, "restaurant & FARM"...um I'm sorry but does that say, "FARM"!? You usally see "resturant and bar" or "restuarnt and grill" but not "& farm"...so we were skeptical from the start....
Then we step out of the car and see this in the parking lot...ok super random! Then the SMELL hit us! It literally smelled like a FARM TOO!

The "resturant"...we walked up to the front to read their menu....it had rabbit...duck....no thanks to any of that! I mean the smell was just really throwing us off even though we have had duck before but it just seemed different!

Steve...we are not eating here...sorry honey! He agreed though.....so then we decided to go with another place that we had heard about called Syrah in downtown Sonoma! Success! It was super yummy and I'm still craving it now!


Crab Cakes for Steve's app!

This was tomato bacon soup! OMG...it was seriously so good and had just the perfect amount of bacon flavor in it! I want more!

Finger liking good apparently!

Chicken for me...with what else but white corn and other yummy stuff that I forget now!

Steve's entree!

Their homemade ice cream! Heck yes it was good!

Snapped a picture looking down at my hand...aww we're married.....:-)

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