Tuesday, March 27, 2012

4 Kids!

Kelly and Ryan celebrated their 5 year anniversary this past weekend. My mom stayed overnight with the kids. So to help her out a little I came over with Jocelyn and Casen!

Casen found a new friend....his cousin Emma! Now that Casen can sit up and hang out with the kids more Emma really took a liking too him! She brought him Foofa to play with.
She held his hand!

She even gave him her favorite stuffed animal...her Hello Kitty!
Casen really enjoyed hanging out with Emma too!
Love how she looks at him!
Meanwhile Jocelyn found some of Emma's balloons left over from her birthday!
Emma even read a WHOLE book to Casen. Casen listend to the whole thing! She pointed out shapes and colors to him! It was so adorable! Telling him, "see Casen there are two circles"!

Jocelyn and Emma of course got some coloring in too!
We looked over and Jack was putting stickers on Casen's tummy! He would say, "baby!" and "stickers"! A glimpse into how he will be with his new brother in a few months!

Jocelyn hanging out on the stairs!
Then we moved the kids to the water table where they got SOAKED of course!
They tried soaking Grandma too!
Such a fun day! Jocelyn was asleep before we even got to the freeway!

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