Sunday, March 4, 2012

Emma's 3rd Birthday and more!

After gymnastics we headed straight up to Emma's birthday party! She turned 3 on the 3rd! She had her party at the Art Zone in Hermosa Beach! It's actually so close to Emma house that we parrked there and then loaded all 4 kids into strollers and walked there with everyone and my mom! Ryan was already at the place setting up!
This is such a great place for kids. Jocelyn had been there once before with Emma just on a regular day! But weekend they close it just for birthday parties! They do 3 a day!

First Jocelyn painted!
She wore a smock and everything!
Then she had some tea in the dress up room!
Then she dressed up! They have a big bit of stuffed animals that Emma likes to jump into!
They had these white bears that they put out and all the kids could paint them! Jocelyn thought it was hysterical! Everytime she put the paint on the bear she burst into laughter! I think she thought she was getting away with something! Not like we let her paint her stuffed animals at home right!?
Jack thought it would be much easier to just dip the bear into the paint! Cut out the paint brush part! Good idea Jack!!!
Casen sat back and watched all the kids painting! Happy man all day long!
Next they had clay cut outs! They put plastic tubes, pipe cleaners and beads that you could stick into the clay! So clever!
Grandpa E got to hold Casen a lot! Thanks for the help Grandpa!!
Jocelyn took a liking to the red glitter shoes in the dress up room!
Last but definitely not least was the water room! The kids had to be DRAGGED out of this room! Jocelyn was in HEAVEN! She was very sad to leave this place but also very very wet!
Back to Ryan and Kelly's house we went! Casen kicked back in the chair for a bit! Soaking up the fresh air!
Then it was Jocelyn's turn! She is saying, "NO!" to me taking her picture. Guess I better not ask if I can next time right!? Heehee!
Daddy being silly with Casen! Slobbery kisses coming your way compliments of Casen man!!!
A first!! Grandpa E, Casen, Grandma E and Jocelyn all in the same photo! Pretty cool!
What a fun birthday day we had with Emma!! Happy Birthday sweet girl!!

After a seriously short nap in the car Jocelyn would not go back down! So we let her play with her water table outside! Kept her from being too big a grouchy girl for the day!

Today went back to Kelly & Ryan's after naps! Our good family friends Don & Sylvia came with my mom & dad too! It was the last time we would see Dad after his 2 wk visit since he leaves Monday!

I took similar pictures of Jocelyn on this chairs when she was 6 months! So when it was a little quiet today I got some of Casen on them too!
We love him so much!
Emma got some new dress up stuff for her birthday....

The kids were winding dowm & decided to put on some dress up clothes!

Uncle Ryan & Casen
Strong boy in the backyard of Kelly and Ryan's with Daddy!

Casen's attacking Daddy!

Thanks for the fun visit dad & jumping in with all the kids! Have a good trip home! What a fun time we had with you!

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